This was a very fun yet very unlucky Vegas trip. I wanted to activate my credit line at Bellagio so I played $25 craps for about 25 min. WTF??!!?!?! I played a -EV pit game that I know I can't beat. Insane. Funny thing is, its the first time I won ANYTHING the entire trip. I was ahead $25 when I quit. Plus I must have earned at least $1.75 in comps. Sweet.
Then I played a sattelite to the nightly $1080 at the Bellagio. I crushed it. Just dominated it. Caught cards, made the right calls, the right laydowns. It was sick.
Then I chip down drasticaly from 5K to 3200 in the event and at 100-200 I decide I need chips and pull a stop and go. I have A2s in the BB and a guy who was fairly liberal with his raises makes it 600 UTG+1. Folded to me and I call. Flop is 6-3-2, bottom pair with a backdoor flush draw. Good enough. I push. He taaaaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkksssssss. In fact, I'm SURE I have him and in fact want him to call so I double up. He gathers his courage, throws in his chips and shows me King-Three soooooted. Nice UTG raise sir. His pair of 3's are good and its gg, me.
So I decide that I haven't had enough abuse yet and play some 5-10 cash game. This goes badly at first, but I make a good comeback, making sick river bets and raises with air and not getting looked up. Clearly this is satisfying. So satisfying that fate has it the table will be turned: The last hand I play on this trip goes like this:
I have KK in MP and make it 50 after one limper. BB calls. Limper folds. Flop is Q-9-6 rainbow. BB checks, I bet $130 and he shoves for another $400. WTF? I call. He laughs and flips over A8o for nothing. Until the Ace hits the turn. "What you have, pocket Kings???" Yeah donkey, I have fucking pocket Kings and its 330 am and I don't have the energy and can't summon the anti-tilt to stay here and grind my chips back from you. Good game.