Saturday, December 1, 2007

Chronic Pain?

I have some new respect for people who live in pain. I've had this nagging low back thing for over a year now. 18 mos actually.

It started when I carried a sleeping Justin what seemed like miles from a July 4th fireworks show at Zephyr cove. Then I did some stupid twisting motion in the gym and made it worse. Getting myself into impossible positions with a weight on my head at work everyday doesn't help either.

I saw a spine surgeon a year ago who told me I have "facet syndrome" and that I should consider an intra-facet joint injection. I have had several "trigger point" shots which make it feel perfect for about 2 hours till the local anesthetic wears off, then its kinda nasty again.

I chickened out, and have been trying to manage it "conservatively." This means, advil, heat, massage, and thinking about doing Pilates three times a week. I need to stop thinking about it and doing it. Its also quite interesting how narcotics help short term, but do little for the long term.

We have a dinner tonight and it would be fun to dance, but seems pretty unlikely. Snowboarding out of the question.

OK, it will probably get better again-- it always seems to-- but those of us who have crap like this every day of their lives and get through it are awesome.

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