Monday, April 30, 2007

"You are so conservative"

Puffing spice at the yearly meeting of the Nevada State Medical Association this past weekend, I had the opportunity to meet with several docs who are high up in the pecking order of organized medicine. (which is an oxymoron in itself for the most part) Now, I have a lowly role as "alternate delegate" to this shindig, although I am the President and PAC chairman for our state ophthalmology society blah blah blah.

From time to time I will send out some emails, and I'm a little heavy on the "reply to all" button when it comes to medical matters. Recently in Nevada there have been several bills proposed which would require insurance companies to cover specific things across the board. Prostate cancer screeening and the new cervical cancer vaccine are two of them. Of course, these feelgood measures sound great and might be a good thing, but they cost money and drive up the costs of insurance. This has played out in many states (especially in the Great Blue Northeast) where the costs of insurance have become huge with all the state-mandated stuff.

So, I feel like this is a bad idea and I let all the "reply to all" people know it.

At the meeting, I introduce myself to one of the officers of the association and he says "I know who you are- I've read your emails- You're SO CONSERVATIVE" (emphasis is sorta mine) We proceeded to have a short chat about the issues, but it wasn't particularly comfortable for either of us I suppose and ended quickly.

But it made me wonder a bit. I think there are a good number of people who think of me and have the same thoughts that this doc expressed. And perhaps it might do me some good if I took some offense, but for the most part I feel quite complemented.

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